• Cancellation Policy

    To cancel or move an appointment, Indie Mane Salon requires a minimum of 24 hours notice from the time of your scheduled appointment, or you will be charged 50% of your scheduled service price. ***This also includes coming in for your scheduled appointment and choosing not to proceed with a service(s) booked. Please understand that when you forget or cancel your appointment without giving enough notice, we miss the opportunity to fill that appointment time. Our appointments are confirmed 48 hours in advance by text and 72 hours in advance by email. The card on file will be charged on the day of the scheduled service.

  • Confirmation Text

    As a courtesy, 48 hours prior to your appointment you will receive a confirmation text. Please understand that it is your responsibility to remember your appointment dates and times to avoid late arrivals, missed/canceled appointments, and the cancellation fee.

  • Tardiness

    If you are running late for your appointment, please call ahead to let us know. If you arrive beyond 15 minutes late, you may have to forfeit your appointment completely and pay 50% of your scheduled service.

    Express Barbering Cut: Please understand this is a 30-minute appointment. If you are 10 minutes late for this appointment, it may have to be forfeited with a 50% service charge.

  • No calls/No shows

    If you do not contact us to cancel or reschedule and do not show up on the scheduled date/ time of your appointment, you will be charged 100% (full amount) of the scheduled service price on the day of your appointment. We will contact you after 15-minutes of the start of the appointment time. If there is no response at this time it will be considered a no call/no show, therefore will be charged 100% of scheduled appointment.

  • Redo's/No Refunds

    We take pride and stand by our work here at Indie Mane Salon. Client redos will only be honored if our salon is contacted within 3 days of the original service. If you are unsatisfied, we would like to consult with your original service provider and come up with a solution to best fix the problem.  If you wish to see a different stylist, our Indie Mane senior stylists will be happy to help provide other alternatives. A redo must be with the same stylist to accommodate no charge for the redo. If chosen to be with a different stylist, full price or a service cost may be charged for their time.

    If hair is altered by another salon/yourself the redo policy is void. You will have to pay for your full future appointment cost.

    We do not offer refunds of any kind.

  • Bang Trim Policy

    Cutting bangs requires precision and attention to detail. The stylist has to take into consideration hair texture, a person’s face shape and lifestyle. Bang trims are require adequate time. Bang trim prices start at $20.

  • Color Corrections

    A consultation is required for a color correction appointment. Please note: Pricing is by the hour or based on the service booked. We would love to talk more in-person to see the quality of your hair, which stylist would work best for you, and to give you a more accurate price quote.

    If an appointment is scheduled, and it falls under a color correction, please beware of any price changes that may occur or the timing of your appointment may change.

  • Chargebacks

    If there are any issues with your ticket or the amount you were charged, please contact Indie Mane Salon immediately. We will diligently work with you to resolve any issues you may have.

    If a client files a chargeback with their bank and/or credit card company, we will submit a rebuttal to the claim. Furthermore, Indie Mane Salon will refuse to offer you any future services.

  • Health

    The following information is important to know if you are a client receiving a color/chemical service:

    Color history and the use of medications must be divulged when consulting with your stylist. If you are currently under the care of an MD, it is your responsibility to research if color services are compatible with any prescription medication or cancer treatment that you are currently being treated with, or have used prior to your color appointment. Your stylist is not a trained medical physician. You may ask for a patch test prior to booking an appointment if you believe these conditions apply to you. A patch test will take 24 hours to see any sort of allergic reaction.

    Below is a list of items to address with your colorist prior to your appointment - as these items may cause negative chemical reactions to the hair when mixed with salon chemicals services.

    ​Previously over-processed hair: by repeatedly layering dyes over porous pre-lightened hair.

    Taking prescription medication: that inadvertently alters the bonds of the hair (methotrexate, sulfa-based medications)

    Thermal damage: by over-use of hot tools.

    Use of metallic dyes, salts, or minerals: (box color) or use of "over mineralized well water" chemicals may cause a negative reaction to enlightenment services.

    Use of henna or vegetable dyes: chemicals may cause a negative reaction to enlightenment services.

    Permed or relaxed hair: chemicals may cause a negative reaction to enlightenment services.

    Any other health conditions that deal with skin, allergies, & bodily functions

  • Details

    **It is our priority to conduct thorough consultations for all services provided through the salon, however, it is each client’s personal responsibility to be upfront and honest about their hair history, health conditions, and to research the items listed above prior to booking an initial appointment. Any damage caused to the hair as a result of undivulged information during the consultation is not the responsibility of the stylist.**

    Thank you for your support and understanding of our salon policies. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

  • Gift Cards

    Gift cards sold at Indie Mane must be purchased in person with a photo I.D. that matches the name of the credit card using to purchase a gift card.